
This table lists the whole set of properties contained into this data type.
Some properties are "native", and have a single serialization format.
Some properties are "polymorphic", and can be serialized/deserialized using multiple formats (known as "styles")

active native Prodotto attivo
If the product is active
category native Categoria
The id of the category of the product
code native Codice prodotto
The code of the product
codeEAN native Codice a barre
The EAN code
codeSupplier native Codice fornitore
The supplier code
cost native Costo
If the cost is active
createdById native Creato da
The creator of the entity
createdDate native Data creazione
The creation date for the entity
description native Descrizione
The description of the product
externalReferences native Campi aggiuntivi
The external references linked to current object
id native
lastModifiedById native Modificato da
The last modified by id
lastModifiedDate native Data modifica
The last modified date
maxdiscount native Sconto massimo
The maximum discount.
ownerId polymorphic Proprietario
The owner of the entity
photoUrl native The photo of the contact
price native Prezzo unitario
The unit price of the product
productName native Nome prodotto
The name of the product
tags polymorphic
taxCode native IVA
The applied tax code for this product
unitId native Unità di misura
The unit id measure of the product


Prodotto attivo

If the product is active

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameActive
Physical property typebool
Is Required NO
Is Polymorphic NO
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive YES
Is Enumerable NO
Is Searchable YES - OData example: $filter=active eq true
Is Enum NO



The id of the category of the product

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameCategory
Physical property typelong
Is Required NO
Is Polymorphic NO
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive YES
Is Enumerable NO
Is Searchable YES - OData example: $filter=category eq 123
Is Enum NO
Foreign Key


Codice prodotto

The code of the product

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameCode
Physical property typestring
Is Required YES
Is Polymorphic NO
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive YES
Is Enumerable NO
Is Searchable YES - OData example: $filter=code eq 'my value'
Is Enum NO
Max chars length50


Codice a barre

The EAN code

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameCodeEAN
Physical property typestring
Is Required NO
Is Polymorphic NO
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive YES
Is Enumerable NO
Is Searchable YES - OData example: $filter=codeEAN eq 'my value'
Is Enum NO
Max chars length50


Codice fornitore

The supplier code

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameCodeSupplier
Physical property typestring
Is Required NO
Is Polymorphic NO
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive YES
Is Enumerable NO
Is Searchable YES - OData example: $filter=codeSupplier eq 'my value'
Is Enum NO
Max chars length50



If the cost is active

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameCost
Physical property typedecimal
Is Required NO
Is Polymorphic NO
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive YES
Is Enumerable NO
Is Searchable YES - OData example: $filter=cost eq 123.456
Is Enum NO


Creato da

The creator of the entity

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameCreatedById
Physical property typeint
Is Required NO
Is Polymorphic NO
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive YES
Is Enumerable NO
Is Searchable YES - OData example: $filter=createdById eq 123
Is Enum NO
Foreign Key


Data creazione

The creation date for the entity

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameCreatedDate
Physical property typeDateTime
Is Required NO
Is Polymorphic NO
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive YES
Is Enumerable NO
Is Searchable YES - OData example: $filter=createdDate eq 2019-10-06T23:59:59.999Z
Is Enum NO



The description of the product

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameLongDescription
Physical property typestring
Is Required NO
Is Polymorphic NO
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive YES
Is Enumerable NO
Is Searchable YES - OData example: $filter=description eq 'my value'
Is Enum NO


Campi aggiuntivi

The external references linked to current object

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameExternalReferences
Physical property typearray of ExternalReferencesDTO
Is Required NO
Is Polymorphic NO
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive NO
Is Enumerable YES
Is Searchable NO
Is Enum NO
Max value-1


This property contains the primary key of the object inside the system. It can be used to universally identify the record containing all the object's data

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameId
Physical property typelong
Is Required NO
Is Polymorphic NO
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive YES
Is Enumerable NO
Is Searchable YES - OData example: $filter=id eq 123
Is Enum NO


Modificato da

The last modified by id

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameLastModifiedById
Physical property typeint
Is Required NO
Is Polymorphic NO
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive YES
Is Enumerable NO
Is Searchable YES - OData example: $filter=lastModifiedById eq 123
Is Enum NO
Foreign Key


Data modifica

The last modified date

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameLastModifiedDate
Physical property typeDateTime
Is Required NO
Is Polymorphic NO
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive YES
Is Enumerable NO
Is Searchable YES - OData example: $filter=lastModifiedDate eq 2019-10-06T23:59:59.999Z
Is Enum NO


Sconto massimo

The maximum discount.

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameMaxdiscount
Physical property typedecimal
Is Required NO
Is Polymorphic NO
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive YES
Is Enumerable NO
Is Searchable YES - OData example: $filter=maxdiscount eq 123.456
Is Enum NO



The owner of the entity

This polymorphic property is a foreign key, and refers to the account ID of the owner of this object.
Multiple serialization styles are available (see the section below).

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameOwnerId
Physical property typeint
Is Required NO
Is Polymorphic YES
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive NO
Is Enumerable NO
Is Searchable YES - OData example: $filter=ownerId eq 123
Is Enum NO
Foreign Key

Polymorphic styles for version 'v1'

For more details about using the polymorphic properties, please refer to the general guide on the options


Crm-OwnerIdStyle: AdaptiveExternalReference

Style nameSerialized as
AdaptiveExternalReference string
AdaptiveStringOnlyUserAccount string
AdaptiveUserAccount string
FlattenedExpansion FlattenedExpansionSchema
Id int
StrictEmail string


The photo of the contact

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property namePhotoUrl
Physical property typestring
Is Required NO
Is Polymorphic NO
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive YES
Is Enumerable NO
Is Searchable NO
Is Enum NO


Prezzo unitario

The unit price of the product

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameUnitPrice
Physical property typedecimal
Is Required NO
Is Polymorphic NO
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive YES
Is Enumerable NO
Is Searchable YES - OData example: $filter=price eq 123.456
Is Enum NO


Nome prodotto

The name of the product

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameShortDescription
Physical property typestring
Is Required YES
Is Polymorphic NO
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive YES
Is Enumerable NO
Is Searchable YES - OData example: $filter=productName eq 'my value'
Is Enum NO
Max chars length2000


This polymorphic property is an array of tags (textual labels) associated to the object.
For details on using the different serialization/deserialization styles, refer to the section below "Polymorphic styles"

OData searches

You can use this property as a filter condition in an OData expression via the eq operator and the startswith, endswith functions.


  • 'eq' -> GET: /api/{version}/Company/Search?$filter=tags eq 'category'

  • 'startswith' -> GET: /api/{version}/Company/Search?$filter=startswith(tags,'te')

  • 'endswith' -> GET: /api/{version}/Company/Search?$filter=endswith(tags,'ro')

  • Complex example -> GET: /api/{version}/Company/Search?$filter=startswith(tags,'te') or endswith(tags,'ro') &$orderby=id asc&$top=10&$skip=0&$select=id,companyName,billed,tags

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameTags
Physical property typearray of long
Is Required NO
Is Polymorphic YES
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive YES
Is Enumerable YES
Is Searchable NO
Is Enum NO

Polymorphic styles for version 'v1'

For more details about using the polymorphic properties, please refer to the general guide on the options


Crm-TagsStyle: AdaptiveCsv

Style nameSerialized as
AdaptiveCsv string
AdaptiveExternalReference string
AdaptiveName string
AdaptiveStringOnlyName string
Csv string
CsvOfIds string
CsvOfNames string
Id int



The applied tax code for this product

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameTaxCode
Physical property typestring
Is Required NO
Is Polymorphic NO
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive YES
Is Enumerable NO
Is Searchable YES - OData example: $filter=taxCode eq 'my value'
Is Enum NO


Unità di misura

The unit id measure of the product

For more details about using the properties and customizing their serialization/deserialization, please refer to the general guide on the options


This table contains all the information about to this property features.

Physical property nameUnitId
Physical property typelong
Is Required NO
Is Polymorphic NO
Is Nullable NO
Is Logical Primitive YES
Is Enumerable NO
Is Searchable YES - OData example: $filter=unitId eq 123
Is Enum NO
Max value50
Foreign Key


The following table contains the main schema information about this data type.

Complex typeCatalogDTO

Polymorphic Schema

The polymorphic schema describe how the object is serialized and deserialized by the Web API pipeline.
Some properties are "native", and have a single serialization format.
Some properties are "polymorphic", and can be serialized/deserialized using multiple formats (known as "styles")

Free Fields

This Business Object is customizable, and it is therefore possible to define a set of custom fields.
These custom fields are called Free Fields.

Free Fields are user-definable custom fields, and can contain data of various kinds.

Each Free Field has a specific data type (selected during configuration), and on the basis of this type, the field data follow certain validation rules.

For more details about Free Fields, refer to the appropriate section

Free Field and polymorphism

As with many other fields, Free Fields also implement polymorphic serialization capabilities, and it is therefore possible to select multiple serialization/deserialization styles.
For more details, refer to the specific descriptive paragraph on the serialization of the Free Fields

Free Field and OData

Free Fields can be used in OData searches as field selectors ($select criterion).
In order to be able to discriminate them from the other standard fields of the Business Object, it is necessary to specify the prefix "FF_"


GET: /api/{version}/{controller}/Search?$select=id,FF_MyCustomFreeField1,FF_AnotherFreeField