This data type represents an enumeration, and contains the values listed below
- None = 0
- Base_Companies = 1
- Base_Contacts = 2
- CRM_Leads = 3
- CRM_WorkActivity = 4
- Ticket_Main = 5
- Warehouse = 6
- CatalogProducts = 7
- NoTableError = 8
- DDT = 9
- Invoices = 10
- Orders = 11
- Quotes = 12
- RollingStock = 13
- CatalogMovements = 14
- CustomTable = 15
- Campaign = 16
- ServiceRequest = 17
- TustenaDB = 18
- Opportunity = 19
- CRM_Addresses = 20
- CatalogProductPrice = 21
- FileManager = 22
- PriceList = 23
- ContractService = 24
- Project = 25
- Promotion = 26
- DebtRecovery = 27
- JobOrders = 28
- JobOrder_Tasks = 29
- Relations = 30
- InvoicePayment = 31
- AddedFields = 32
- CatalogProductsLink = 33
- GeoCoding = 34
- OutInvoiceExpire = 35
- OutInvoiceRows = 36
- BookMark = 37
- AddressNormalize = 38
- InvoiceInstallment = 39
- RollingStock_Invoice = 40
- FileCrossTables = 41
- Ticket_Template = 42
- Ticket_Attach = 43
- ErpCrossRows = 44
- ContactInvoiceRows = 45
- ContractJobOrderTaskPlanned = 46
- ContractSections = 47
- ContractTypeOfService = 48
- UnitOfMeasure = 49
- ActivityCross = 50
- DebtRecoveryInvoices = 51
- EMailNormalize = 52
- ContractServiceExtensions = 53
- AddedFields_Tree = 54
- Sharing = 55
- Flow_Running = 56
- JobOrder_Resource = 57
- Asset_Lock = 58
- JobOrder_Task_Resource = 59
- ContractTemplate = 60
- CRM_Reminder = 62
- TaxValues = 63
- InvoiceBank = 64
- ServiceReplacement = 65
- MovementsCode = 66
- ContractInvoiceRows = 67
- PaymentList = 68
- Ticket_SupportLog = 69
- Survey = 70
- Base_Calendar = 71
- OutPayment = 72
- KBQuestion = 73
- Account = 74
- CampaignOperatorsCrossElements = 75
- Portal = 76
- CatalogTypeOfService = 77
- ContractPlannedRequest = 78
- TargetList = 79
- WorkRange = 80
- SLA_Template = 81
- ContractRenewals = 82
- ContractRid = 83
- PaymentMovements = 84
- WebMail = 85
- CampaignCrossDb = 86
- CallLog = 87
- RollingStock_Address = 88
- RollingStock_Movements = 89
- WorkTeams = 91
- TeamMembers = 92
- Groups = 94
- CatalogCategories = 95
- Flow_Template = 96
- CatalogoAlternativeUnit = 97
- DDTPorto = 99
- DDTAppearance = 100
- DDTCause = 101
- CatalogPriceListDescription = 102
- Tustena_Companies = 103
- CurrencyTable = 104
- FilesCategories = 105
- JobOrder_Type = 106
- JobOrder_Status = 107
- JobOrder_Priority = 108
- JobOrder_Task_Status = 109
- Assets = 110
- Asset_Category = 111
- JobOrder_Task_SpareParts = 112
- Zones = 113
- SalesPerformanceConsole = 114
- WorkGroup = 115
- JobOrder_Budget = 116
- ActivityCrossBands = 117
- JobOrder_ConsumptionConfig = 118
- Alarms = 119
- Alarms_Notification = 120
- JobOrder_Billing = 121
- OpportunityCrossContact = 122
- File_Dossier = 123
- PredefinedTitles = 124
- Calendars = 125
- JobOrder_Template = 126
- KbCrossProduct = 127
- Kb_RelatedTopics = 128
- Kb_AttachedDocs = 129
- Kb_ExternalLinks = 130
- KbCrossTitles = 131
- Kb_Comments = 132
- FileManagerStatus = 133
- Cati = 134
- CatiQuestions = 135
- CatiAnswers = 136
- CatiQuota = 137
- CatiQuotaUpdate = 138
- Cati_Permits = 139
- Sla_CrossElement = 140
- Sla_TemplateEvents = 141
- Sla_Action = 142
- Sla_Action_Conditions = 143
- CampaignUsers = 144
- CampaignStatus = 145
- ContractServiceConsumptionConfig = 146
- CatalogCallPlanned = 147
- DebtLog = 148
- Recurrence = 149
- MailEvents = 150
- File_Dossier_Slot = 151
- Sharing_Template = 152
- ActivityCost = 153
- QuoteRows_Extension_Part = 154
- ERPRow_Grouping = 155
- ERPRow_Grouping_Extension_Part = 156
- Approval_Configuration = 157
- Approval_Pending = 158
- OpportunityProducts = 159
- Localizing = 160
- Opportunity_Phase = 161
- CRM_BusinessRoles = 162
- CRM_BusinessRole_Cross = 163
- Marketing_Campaigns = 164
- Marketing_Campaign_Products = 165
- ErpRowsAddedFields = 166
- QuoteRows = 167
- OrderRows = 168
- InvoiceRows = 169
- DDTRows = 170
- ActivityPrice = 171
- Ticket_Grabber_Log = 172
- Ticket_Grabber = 173
- CatalogVariant = 174
- CatalogVariant_Grouping = 175
- CatalogVariant_Grouping_Config = 176
- CatalogVariant_Product = 177
- CatalogVariant_Option = 178
- Base_Notes = 179
- Messages = 181
- Message_Channels = 182
- Message_Attach = 183
- CheckListValues = 184
- ML_Mail = 185
- TustenaReports = 186
- Activity_SubType = 187
- Skills = 188
- SkillCategories = 189
- SkillValueTypes = 190
- Account_Skills = 191
- Roles = 192
- ExpenseReport = 193
- ExpenseReportList = 194
- CustomerInstallationsBase = 195
- CustomerInstallations = 196
- CustomerConnections = 197
- CustomerHardwares = 198
- ML_Categories = 199
- CustomErpDocuments = 200
- CustomErpDocumentType = 201
- CustomErpDocumentRows = 202
- Dynamo_Repeater = 203
- Dynamo_Repeater_Column = 204
- Dynamo_Page = 205
- Dynamo_Input = 206
- Dynamo_Select = 207
- Dynamo_Chart = 208
- Dynamo_Content = 209
- Exchange_Company_Conf = 210
- Exchange_Account_Conf = 211
- GoogleApiSettings = 212
- AddedFields_Items_Localizing = 213
- CrossExternalReference = 214
- ContractCrossRolling = 215
- Relations_Type = 216
- ContractTemplateTypeOfService = 217
- ContractTemplateCallPlanned = 218
- ExpenseItems = 219
- ExpensePaymentMethods = 220
- ExpenseVehicles = 221
- TustenaDB_Estruct_Localizing = 222
- UsersListsFields_Localizing = 223
- TustenaDBEstruct = 224
- TustenaDBData = 225
- Event_Landings = 226
- Events = 227
- Event_Item_Status = 228
- Event_Items = 229
- AbsenceTypes = 230
- Ticket_Area = 231
- Ticket_AreaWorkgroup = 232
- Ticket_Type = 233
- Ticket_Status = 234
- Ticket_Priority = 235
- Opportunity_Category = 236
- Opportunity_LostReason = 237
- EMailType = 238
- Crm_Status = 239
- Crm_Rating = 240
- Crm_Interest = 241
- Crm_Source = 242
- Crm_Priority = 243
- Crm_Industry = 244
- Crm_CompanyType = 245
- Base_Contacts_OtherCompanies = 246
- PhoneNormalize = 247
- PhoneType = 248
- Offices = 249
- Qb_Categories = 250
- RoboSay = 251
- QualityIndicator = 252
- Base_Events = 253
- TemplateSms = 254
- MultiTierAccount = 255
- ML_RemovedFrom = 256
- PrivacyTypeManagement = 257
- PrivacyManagement = 258
- PrivacyMotivationsImplicitConsent = 259
- PrivacyActivityMotivationImplicitConsent = 260
- Hooks = 261
- Flow_Trigger = 262
- Print_Permissions = 263
- Tags_Refs = 264
- Tags = 265
- Signatures = 266
- MLSendLog = 267
- Crm_ContactCategories = 268
- Crm_ReferrerCategories = 269
- ML_Domains = 270
- MLSentMail = 271
- Hooks_Pushes = 272
- WebApi_Keys = 273
- WebApi_Keys_Domains = 274
- PaymentMode = 275
- Base_Companies_SalesTerms = 276
- Base_Companies_SalesTerms_Partner = 277
- QuoteNumbers = 279
- CrossCategory = 280
- CompanyMenu = 281
- Calendar_Bookings = 282
- FileSharing = 283
- WorkPlans = 284
- WorkPlan_Members = 285
- WorkPlan_Status = 286
- WorkPlan_Status_Activities = 287
- PaymentListCross = 288
The following table contains the main schema information about this data type.
Feature | Value |
Type | integer |
Format: | int32 |
Required: |